
Contact Form Responses

Manage and Delete Responses

To manage and delete responses received from a contact form:

    在仪表板中,单击表单出现的网站旁边的三个点 () 图标,单击站点概述,然后选择表单回复。或者,在编辑器的侧面板上,单击 SEO 和设置,然后单击管理表单回复。注意导出联系表单回复的选项仅在您从仪表板访问回复时可用。表单回复页面将打开,您可以删除网站上任何表单的任何回复。您可以在搜索回复搜索框中搜索相关回复。确保搜索准确的名称、短语或字符。单击相关表单选项卡以打开包含以下内容的表格:
  • The date of the form response submission.
  • The input from each of the form fields.
  • The option to delete the form response.
  1. To export form responses in CSV format, click Export to CSV in the top-right corner of the Form Responses section.


This option will not be available if there were no form responses on the live site.

Auto-reply to Form Submitter

By default, an auto-reply will be sent to the form submitter (as long as their provided email address is valid). It can be turned off in the Submission tab of the Content Editor. You can also set the Form name (the name you enter here will show in the sent email’s “From” field), Email subject line, Email message, and set it to include a copy of submitters form response in the email (this is checked by default).


  1. Right-click on the widget and click Edit Content.
  2. Select the Submission tab.
  3. Click Actions after submission.
  4. Scroll down to Email Settings.

Respond to Customer Contact Form Submissions

You can respond to a customers contact form submission directly from your email. When you receive an email from Website Builder with the details of the contact form submission, click Reply to Customer in the body of the email. This allows you to reply to the email address of the customer. If the customer listed more than one email address, it will only be sent to the first email address listed.

Customer Support Hours

Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT)

Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT)

(Chat Unavailable on Saturdays)

iClassPro offices will be closed in observance of the following holidays:
New Year's 2024 (Jan 1, 2024), Good Friday (March 29, 2024), Memorial Day (May 27, 2024), Independence Day (Jul 4, 2024) Labor Day (Sep 2, 2024), Thanksgiving (Nov 28 - 29, 2024), Christmas (Dec 24 - 25, 2024)

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